I’m a graphic designer and illustrator living in Kingston, Ontario. I grew up in the countryside where I spent much of my time adventuring in my backyard forest. It was here that I developed a love for nature, which influences my work today. My animal and nature-themed illustrations feature delicate lines and loose, layered washes of colour and texture created with ink and water colour. I studied graphic design at St. Lawrence College and graduated in 2014. In 2016 I worked on a dream project: I researched and illustrated over one hundred animals for a children’s book called Wildlife of Europe. The book is currently available from JUNIQE, an online shop based in Berlin, Germany.
To find out more about my inspirations and creative process, please visit the FAQ page.
Prints and products can be purchased from Society6, Redbubble, Juniqe, Fine Art America, Curioos, and Pop Motif. Most of these retailers offer worldwide shipping.
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